Blog articles and learning content

We share learnings from our work and conversations with over 100 museums.


🎧 How can I create an audio guide myself?

Log in to the Creator with your smartphone or computer and create a professional tour directly in the browser. Easy as pie and your first tour is up and running in just a few minutes! You can enter a photo, an audio and a caption for each chapter. You can then directly download, print and share the automatically generated QR code for the tour.

🪄 How can I create an audio guide with AI?

Based on your text, Audio-Cult can create your audio guide in different languages. With artificial intelligence, it is possible to generate high-quality audio. We also support you with transcription and translation using AI.

💭 How does the audio guide work?

Visitors scan the QR code with their smartphone and the audio guide then starts directly in the browser - simple and easy for young and old. So there is no need to install a cumbersome app and the focus is entirely on experiencing the exhibition.

📲 Where does the QR code lead?

There are three options: The QR code can lead directly to the tour, directly to the desired chapter or to an overview with several tours. All three options are also possible in parallel:

1. to the start page of the tour: When visitors scan this QR code, they can enjoy the tour directly from start to finish .

2. to the chapter: When visitors scan this QR code, the corresponding chapter starts immediately.

3. to the overview page with several tours: This allows you to combine several tours / languages under one QR code.

🎬 Production: Does Audio-Cult offer support with the implementation of an audio guide?

Some museums create everything themselves, others ask us for support. Both work extremely well. In other words, if you wish, we can support you in the conception and production of content. We offer various services at a transparent price: from selective consulting, recording and translation to entire productions.

🎙 Professional speakers: Does Audio-Cult offer recordings with professional female speakers?

We have a network of professional voice talents at our disposal. We offer audio samples in various languages on request. Whether English, German, Portuguese, French, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, Italian or any other language. We have already realized many productions at the highest level and are happy to offer various options for voice talents.

🔒Data protection: Is the Audio-Cult solution GDPR-compliant?

All user data in the web app is anonymized in compliance with the GDPR, which makes it possible to dispense with cookie banners.

📊 Usage figures: Can I see how often the tour is listened to?

You can view all ratings and usage figures in the Creator. These are not public, but can only be viewed by the administrators. You can track data for the entire tour and for each chapter.

💰 Paid tours: Can I charge money for the tours?

You can integrate a paywall. This means that the tour is only accessible after payment. A special QR code ensures that only visitors who have paid have access on a device.

🔐 Access: Are the audio guides also available outside the museum?

Decide for yourself whether, when and how your tours are accessible. For example, by restricting the time and location of use. This can be implemented in no time at all after consultation with Audio-Cult.

🔗 Linking: Can I embed the audio guide on my website?

You can make the audio guide accessible via your website, social media channels and newsletter. Very easy thanks to linking or embedding.

🤝 Team mode: Can I give other team members access to the audio guide creator?

We offer you the opportunity to work on a tour together with others. You can define and add team members and make adjustments.

💰Costs: How much does it cost to create a tour with Audio-Cult?

Our wish is that as many people as possible have access to culture & knowledge in a simple way. That's why we offer the right solution for every institution. We are convinced that we have created the most cost-efficient and user-friendly audio solution for museums and visitors. You can find the exact prices here.

♿️ Accessibility: Are audio guides accessible?

Audio guides can facilitate access to museums by providing content in multiple languages and formats suitable for hearing and visually impaired visitors. Audio-descriptive audio guides can help those with limited vision to have an immersive experience. We have further developed our accessible solution with the support of the Swiss Federation of the Blind so that all visitors can enjoy and learn from the exhibits.

Do you have any further questions? Simply write to us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.