A museum visitor uses the Audio-Cult audio guide to explore the exhibition. We see over the shoulder of a woman with short hair. She is looking at pieces of art on the wall- She is holding a smartphone with the Audio-Cult web-app and listens to the audio guide with air pods in her ear.

Create audio guides with AI: a cost-effective solution for museums

Audio-Cult audio guide. The easiest way to create audio guides
Lucas Hagin
July 17, 2024

Audio guides are an essential part of the modern museum experience, but production has been expensive and time-consuming with conventional solutions. Audio-Cult simplifies the process. Artificial intelligence (AI) now offers an additional, innovative solution: high-quality text-to-speech technology. In this article, we show you how you can use AI to create cost-effective audio guides for your museum.

What is an AI-based audio guide?

What was unthinkable or disappointing in terms of quality a few years ago is now indispensable: artificial intelligence. But how is technology changing museums?

An AI-based audio guide uses artificial intelligence to convert text into natural-sounding speech. This allows museums to produce informative and engaging audio guides without the need for a recording studio and professional voice actors. This technology uses advanced algorithms to transform the text into a fluent and understandable audio form.

Advantages of AI-generated audio guides for museums

The use of AI for audio guides offers numerous advantages:

  • Cost efficiency: Reduce costs for speakers and production.

  • Flexibility: Create and update content quickly and easily.

  • Accessibility: Offer audio guides in different languages.
How does text-to-speech technology work?

Text-to-speech technology converts written text into spoken language using algorithms. The latest technology can mimic intonation and the natural flow of speech to ensure a pleasant listening experience. At Audio-Cult, we use advanced AI to ensure your audio guides sound clear and professional.

Steps for creating an audio guide with AI

But how exactly do you create an audio guide with artificial intelligence?
You can create high-quality audio files based on text:

  • Text preparation: Create or collect the texts that are to be included in the audio guide.

  • Generate audio: With Audio-Cult you can convert the text directly into audio.
  • Check: Listen to the result and make adjustments if necessary.

  • Integration: Integrate the finished audio guide into your exhibition.
Cost and time efficiency through AI voices

Museums with limited budgets can benefit significantly from AI-generated audio guides. Production is faster and cheaper compared to traditional methods, which is particularly beneficial for smaller museums.

Practical examples: Successful implementations in museums

Some museums have already successfully implemented AI-based audio guides and use Audio-Cult to make their offerings accessible to a wide audience. For example, the Swiss Architecture Museum has expanded its German-language offering with multilingual audio guides without breaking the budget.

At the Museum für Gestaltung, the original German version was recorded in just 45 minutes with the director and curator - directly on a smartphone. to a variety of mediation methods. This version was optimized using the AI audio filter. The content was then transcribed and generated in English using AI.

When does AI make sense for an audio guide?

The use of AI for audio guides makes sense if the following aspects are an issue:

  • Limited budget: Your museum only has limited financial resources.

  • Time pressure: you need to create audio guides quickly and efficiently.
  • Multilingualism: you want to offer audio guides in several languages without incurring high costs for speakers.‍

  • Flexibility: you want to regularly create new content or update existing content.

  • Small museums: you run a small museum that cannot afford expensive, multilingual productions, but still want to offer high-quality audio guides.‍

Specifically, there are many museums that use the Audioguide Creator to record a version in their national language and then generate translations using AI.

Conclusion: Why AI is the future of audio guides

Museums need good storytelling. To make these stories accessible, it is worth investing in audio and media guides.

The future of audio guides lies in AI technology. It offers museums an affordable, flexible and high-quality way to enrich their exhibitions and inspire visitors. This makes them more accessible and barrier-free. With Audio-Cult, you too can take advantage of AI and create impressive audio guides in different languages.

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